You are currently browsing the daily archive for October 16, 2007.

Yesterday I heard on the news that not one but two computers containing the names of over 2 million HazMat certified truck drivers were stolen. This is NOT good.

A quick check of Wikipedia reveals that hazardous materials “may be radioactive, flammable, explosive, toxic, corrosive, biohazardous, an oxidizer, an asphyxiant, a pathogen, an allergen, or may have other characteristics that render it hazardous in specific circumstances.”

We depend on hazardous materials drivers to transport these materials in a safe manner and that they understand what safeguards are required to keep from exposing us and the environment to these materials. Besides knowing how to handle these materials they put themselves, and us, at risk should anything go wrong. Can you imagine what could possibly go wrong if someone who didn’t receive the certification were to transport these dangerous goods?

Another side to this situation is what if someone wishing to do us and our country harm were to use a false ID and certification were to pose as someone who has the certification and gain access to a truckload of hazardous material? Not only could it cause major problems for the real hazmat driver but also for any of us.


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October 2007